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Conveyor Belt Installation Tools and Fasteners from MATO Corporation


Plategrip™ Belt Fasteners.
Plategrip™ belt fasteners are for use with high-tensile and PVC belting. Designed with broader, heavier teeth for a stronger joint and reduced strain behind the splice.

Hinged Plategrip™

Hinged Plategrip Fasteners
Hinged Plategrip™ belt fasteners are ideal for applications where the loading and delivery points frequently change, such as mine, pit, quarry and construction sites.


Riv-Nail™ hinged rivet fasteners.
Riv-Nail™ rivet hinge fasteners and rivets improve the installation of hinged rivet fasteners on newer, synthetic high-strength belt fabrics.

Installation Tools

Everything you’ll need for installation and routine maintenance. We have also developed proprietary tools designed specifically to work with our parts.

Traditional Staplegrip™

Staplegrip™ fasteners, conveyor belt staples are unique compared to conventional lightweight belt fasteners.
Traditional Staplegrip™ lacing is for use with modern lightweight, high-strength belting. Designed to operate smoothly over slider bed or troughing conveyor applications.

Preset Staplegrip™

Staplegrip™ Preset belt fasteners and conveyor belt lacing.
Preset Staplegrip™ lacing can only be used in hammer driver fixtures. The lacing is cross-scored so it can be easily broken by hand to exactly fit any belt width.


Steelgrip™ conveyor belt lacing.
Steelgrip™ lacing combines toughness with ease of installation. Makes a strong, smooth splice on all types of transmission and light conveyor belts.


Style 3 Belt Clamps.
Grip-Tite heavy duty belt clamps are the perfect tool for pulling conveyor belts together for quick repair, vulcanizing, and fastener installation.

The MATO Corporation Advantage

From our innovative designs to our quality materials and outstanding service, see why MATO Corporation gives you the edge.
Skiver Cutter Tool Angle

Patented Technology

To make installation of our belt fasteners as easy and effective as possible, we have developed proprietary tools designed specifically to work with our parts. We have patents on four innovative tools, with the technology to make application easier and more efficient. Depend on Conveyor Accessories. If the technology you need exists, we will deliver it. If not, we will develop it.

High quality conveyor belt fasteners.

Better Material

To ensure you’re purchasing the best products, choose those that are made from the best materials. Conveyor Accessories employs advanced metallurgical processes to ensure that higher-quality metals are used for every fastener we produce. This quality makes a difference in the strength of our products, and in the satisfaction of our customers.

Service for belt fasteners, tools and installation.

Responsive Service

In your business, the reliability, flexibility, and cost savings of the fastening solutions you choose are of primary concern. Our unique position in the market enables us to understand these factors and respond — on an individual basis — to the specific needs of your operation.

Contact us to consult with one of our experts.